Darjeeling MP Raju Bista Exposes Anit Thapa

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Darjeeling MP Raju Bista Exposes Anit Thapa

Darjeeling MP Raju Bista exposed the false claims made by Anit Thapa about him stealing from tea garden workers. Bista firmly denied Thapa’s baseless assertions and called for accountability.

Thapa, in a public gathering, shamelessly asserted that Raju Bista had usurped ₹118 each from the salary of tea garden workers. However, Bista has unequivocally refuted this claim, asserting that it holds no truth. The Darjeeling MP emphasized that such baseless accusations reflect the desperation of the opposition.

“One cannot help but question what could drive someone to lie in such a manner. It is our duty to uphold the truth and hold accountable those who attempt to deceive the very people they claim to serve,” stated Raju Bista.

Darjeeling MP Raju Bista at Kurseong

Bista’s unwavering commitment to serving the people of Darjeeling is evident in his tireless efforts to address the region’s issues and promote its development. He remains dedicated to ensuring transparency, accountability, and progress in the region.

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