Darjeeling MP Raju Bista met with the Union Minister for Labour and Employment Santosh Gangwar ji. MP Bista appraised the Hon’ble Minister about labour issues, as related to him by tea garden labourers and trade union leaders during his visit to the constituency recently.
MP Bista invited Hon’ble Minister to visit Darjeeling so that he could take stock of the labour situation by himself. While informing the Hon’ble Minister about the non-inclusion of Plantations under the Employees State Insurance (ESI) schemes, MP Bista requested the Minister to get plantations included under ESI Act. He also requested the Hon’ble Minister to build a 200-bed ESI Hospital for the benefit of the workers in the region.
Minister Gangwar assured MP Bista that he will find a date at the earliest to visit Darjeeling and meet with the workers and listen to their grievances in person.
He also assured MP Bista that he will get his officials to find a way to get plantations included under ESI Act and help in establishing an ESI Hospital in Darjeeling region at the earliest.
Reacting to the meeting, MP Bista said, “It is unfortunate that till date Plantations had not been included under the Employees State Insurance Act. While studying the labour situation in Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars region and how to improve their living conditions, I was shocked to find that Plantations were shown as seasonal work. Due to which, the workers had been kept out of the purview of the facilities under ESI, which includes hospitals and medical colleges.”
“I have also requested him to visit Darjeeling soon, and the Hon’ble Minister has assured me that he will come to our parts at the earliest,” said MP Bista.
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